Step 1: Scan your Unit 6 test in the back to get your overall score.
Step 2: Check your answers on and record your score for EACH objective on your test. You will be completing this part of your test...
Step 3: Transfer your scores into your green science tracker. Then, raise your hand for me to pick up your completed and tracked test.
Step 4: You are ready to begin Unit 7: Cells! I'm super pumped about this unit and think you are going to have a blast discovering what the world is actually made of. Begin your journey by answering the "Jumpstart" on your paper..
Step 6: Now, let's dig in to the information about cells. Watch the CELLS BRAINPOP video here. The USERNAME is sbspecial. The PASSWORD is brainpop.
Step 7: Complete the cells questions on your paper. If you need to go back to any part of the video to answer the questions, please do.