
Lifework due Wednesday, October 28th
Directions: Watch the video here on types of pollution and complete the notes on the lifework paper your received in class.

If YouTube is not working, you can watch it on Educanon here. Be sure to complete the notes on the lifework paper you received in class.

Lifework due Tuesday, October 21st
Step 1: Watch this brain pop video on natural disasters here. (Username:sbspecial / Passwork: brainpop)

Step 2: Write 2 facts you learned from the brainpop clip onto your lifework sheet

Step 3: Watch the video about Catastrophic Events here and complete the notes. Don't forget to complete the back of your lifework page!

Lifework due Thursday, October 8th

Directions: Watch the video here on the Carbon Cycle and complete the notes. Don't forget to complete the back of your lifework page!