Friday, November 21, 2014

Plant and Animal Adaptations

KWBAT describe how structural and behavioral adaptations of organisms enhance survival.

Quest #1: Watch this video on Animal Adaptations on Study Jams here. Next, take the Test Yourself quiz here and record your score on your paper.

Quest #2: You will be creating a well-adapted bird for TWO biomes. Start by reading ALL of the instructions on the left side. It will take some grit! When you are ready to begin, click here

Then, answer the questions on your paper.

Checkpoint! Complete the Checkpoint! questions on your paper. Check your answers against the correct answers. If you answer 4 or more correct, keep going. If you answered 3 or less correct, raise your hand to ask for help.

Quest #3: Watch this video on Plant Adaptations on Study Jams here. Next, take the Test Yourself quiz here and record your score on your paper.

Quest #4: All instructions are on your paper.