Thursday, October 2, 2014

Food Webs - Day 2

KWBAT describe the transfer of energy in food webs.

Goal: By the end of the class, 100% of students will complete 100% of tasks at an exemplar level. Look around the room for examples of EXEMPLAR work :)

Step 1: Watch a video from Discovery Channel here on real life food webs.

Step 2: Use the food webs below to answer the questions on your paper. Pay close attention to the food web the questions are referring to!

Food web #1:

Food web #2:

Food web #3:

Food web #4:

Food web #5:

Food web #6:

Step 3: Check your work by clicking the "Checkpoint" button at the top of the page.

Step 4: Finish your "Create your own food web" you started on Tuesday. Need a copy? Extra copies are located on the back table.

Hint: The paper looks like the one below.

Step 5: Finish or start your Endangered Species research from yesterday. You will need to go this website to research one endangered species of your choice.

Hint: The paper looks like the one below.