Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Unit 3: Nitrogen Cycle

KWBAT explain the cycling of matter in the Nitrogen Cycle.

Step 1: Watch the StudyJams video on the Nitrogen Cycle here. When you are finished watching the video, complete the "Test Yourself" quiz.

Step 2: Read the key points of today's lesson below.
  • Nitrogen is important to living things because plants and animals use it to make protein, which allows plants and animals to live and grow.
  • Plants and animals cannot use nitrogen in gas form.
  • Bacteria in soil "fix" nitrogen gas by turning it in to usable nitrogen compounds.
  • Plants absorb the usable compounds in the soil.
  • Humans and animals eat plants to get nitrogen.
  • When plants and animals die, bacteria and decomposers release nitrogen from their body back into the atmosphere.
Step 3: Answer the practice questions on your paper.

Step 4: Check your work at the "Checkpoint" tab above.

Step 5: Create your own nitrogen cycle diagram. Your diagram MUST include:
  • A picture of one producer
  • A picture of one consumer
  • Bacteria
  • Steps explaining how nitrogen is cycled in the nitrogen cycle.